Key STEEPX Trends & Market Analysis
I used the STEEPX method to look holistically at Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic, Political and Educational Industry trends to identify key trends that would affect Filos.

Emphasis on technology
Top educational establishments are marketing their adoption of technology as key differentiators from the competition.

Commitment to Environmentalism
All major businesses are aware of the dangers of climate change and are working actively towards better practices. Consumers are also responding by being likelier to purchase a product that represents corporate social responsibilities

Project-based learning experience
Through tasks that stimulates students’ critical thinking, research and problem solving skills, project-based learning teaches a skill-set suitable for the modern workplace.
Differentiating Filos within VR Educational Space
Potential market demand for Filos

Competitive Analysis

Personas crafted from target audience

Liam, student
Curious, Inquisitive, loves exploration
Has difficulty focusing oat school, doesn't sit still, and is always looking for something to do.
At School: Due to his high activity level, Liam requires extra attention from his teachers.
At Home: Doesn't enjoy sitting down to do his homework, trying to find ways out of it constantly.
Enjoys cartoons, drawings, and playing with Legos.

Emily, parent
Manager at a local Chase bank.
Salary: $95,504
Owns an iPhone, iPad and a MacBook Air.
Emily is concerned with Liam's progress through school thus far. While she can see that he is a smart, curious child, Emily cannot help but be worried about his energy in the classroom.
Emily is actively looking for novels ways of engaging Liam to do his schoolwork..

John, teacher
Runs the school Technology Club and Science Fair
Performs active research on his students to determine best teaching practices and new teaching methods.
John views himself as a progressive teacher, willing to try new methods and technologies to help his students. He is worried about Liam's progress, and wants to him excel.
Brand Attribute that speak to target audiences

Youth-focused Empowerment
We are focused on empowering children's creativity, problem solving capabilities, confidence and well-being. We recognize a new status quo is needed for a new general of learner who are accustomed to digital worlds.

Pragmatically Futuristic
We are keenly aware of the pros and cons of technology, but are optimistic about its possibilities. We use proven methods that work today and adapt them for the future, all while keeping an eye on coming developments.

Immersively Engaging
We are developing educational tools that take advantage of the immersive nature of xR technologies to build new learning experiences that engage students' curiosity.

Personally Digital
We build digital content that can be personalized for every student. We are a tech company that cares about children, and we feel personally responsible for their well-being.

Simple Transparent
We will build trust with our customers by being honest and transparent with the use of data, to alleviate parents' concerns with the use of technology and the lack of accountability present in other tech companies.
Value Proposition
Filos utilizes the latest technologies to provide engaging educational content to the Virtual Generation that is immersive, interactive and personally individualized for each student. Our goal is to teach in ways that are better than traditional methods of learning.
Touchpoint 1 - Logo
I first explored different fonts with the intent of "making it fun".

I chose to use Omnes Bold as the foundation of Filos’ logotype. It was the right mix of fun and sturdy, but the pointed corners on some of the letters were inconsistent with our brand message.

Final Logo composition
Playful, trustworthy, technologically driven
Touchpoint 2 - A.E.R.I.
Filos takes advantage of the advances in Artificial Intelligence to provide a companion to students within our modules. Additionally, this A.I. also serves as our brand ambassador in marketing materials.

\ ˈer-ē \
A.E.R.I. is short for Autonomous Educational Robotic Intelligence. It is an adaptive A.I. that is designed to be friendly and nurturing. A.E.R.I. will act as the guide and companion within VR for students, accompanying and helping them through the modules.

Inspired by the serene nature of stacking stones and pebbles, A.E.R.I. while resting is a calming presence.

Touchpoint 3 - Educational Software: Habitat
Topic: Energy sources, sustainability, ecosystems
Educational Level: Elementary - Middle school
The following a video fly-through of the prototype I built in UnityVR for Habitat.
Habitat is a fully immersive simulation, designed to teach students the different available energy sources. Furthermore, it could be expanded to teach the effect human civilizations have on natural ecosystems and ideas of sustainability.